Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Successful Job Hunting From a New Perspective!


In each and every job interview you'll be asked questions and you'll supply answers. Depending how you answer the questions, your demeanor, and other issues outside your control, the interview will have two outcomes. You'll be provided a job or you will come in second and be rejected.

Of course your whole job hunting strategy is to come in initial for a job you want. The greatest factor in winning in the job interview process is to assure the interviewer your past encounter and accomplishments will translate into immediate rewards for the employer. Failure to convince the hiring manager that you fit their wants will mean your job hunt will continue.

Most jobs need initiative, challenge solving, analysis and analysis, management of time and assets and team building. In most job interviews you'll be asked a series of questions to determine how successful you are in each of these abilities.

Lately is discussing the job hunting efforts with a laid off price accountant I was shocked at how little effort he was putting into his job hunt. Over four months he had his resume and application in at only three probable employers. His rationale was that it was a tough market out there, but he knew there had been occasional openings at these 3 employers and all he had to be was patient.

Yes, he read the Sunday paper but absolutely nothing caught his eye. He talked to a few friends about his job hunt but he didn't want to push himself on anybody. He talked to his alumni group but they had absolutely nothing for him but he didn't follow-up. On balance he's spending the majority of his time waiting for his ship to come in.

Definitely, are jobs found by waiting for the white limo to pull up in front of your residence, a hiring manager jumps out with a briefcase full of bonus revenue, comes to your door and pleads with you to take their job?

Not hardly! Jobs are never offered in this manner. But that was his attitude. But what if he had a job interview and was asked to relate what a typical day and week was in his job search?

If he was truthful, he would have quickly lost his chance to get a job offer you. He was not showing initiative, he was poorly managing his time, he was not aggressive, his assumptions could not stand a logical test and fairly frankly he is lazy. Not qualities any employer would be seeking for.

On the other hand let's say he had a hard-working job hunt underway. He worked his action program every day. He kept very good records of his progress, his results and his follow-up obligations. His resume analysis continued every week along with his job interview preparation. His network was expanding every single day. He was an active member of a job search group. He helped others in their job search. He adjusted his job search strategy based on his results and as he uncovered new tips.

Now you are the hiring manager and you ask the question, "Tell me about your job search strategy what is a typical day and week like?" In the second example you would be impressed with the depth of his planning and how he was working his job hunting program. In truth in the second example the candidate added his job hunting project activity to answers about initiative, understanding new skills, planning and time and project management.

Don't be like the first example, but create an active action program for a effective job hunt. In your job interview preparation, look for methods to show off your new job search planning project management abilities and job hunting abilities. These are all useful skills that will readily translate to closely fitting the wants of the employer.

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